154 Photography

10 Reasons to Hire Houston Real Estate Photography Services

houston real estate photography

Did you know that it takes about an average of 70 days for a house to sell from the moment of listing to closing? If you’re like most people who are trying to sell their house, you want your home to sell as quickly as possible. Houston real estate photography might be just the thing you need to put your house ahead of the competition.

While there are certain things you can’t change about your home such as the location, choosing to hire a real estate photographer is a decision that can seriously boost your home’s selling potential. In this article, we’ll explore the ten reasons, as well as the benefits, of hiring real estate photography services to help sell your home.

Houston Real Estate Photography Can Save You Time

You might be wondering how Houston area real estate photography can save you time when you can take your own pictures with your phone. After all, it doesn’t seem too difficult to go around and take pictures of your house with your phone and upload them to your house’s listing. However, just because you can do something yourself doesn’t mean you should.

Putting up pictures for your home’s online listing may not be as easy as you might expect either. Think about it: when you’re selling your home, you’re going to be busy keeping track of a lot of different concerns. Do you really want to add taking real estate photos to your list?

It is important to keep in mind that real estate photography isn’t always just photos. Sometimes, videos are also involved, and in some cases, virtual tours as well.

When photos and videos are taken, they can’t be uploaded to a house’s listing at once. Why not? Because these photos and videos will not be in their best condition without plenty of editing and developing first.

Between taking the photos, editing them, and organizing them in an appealing manner on a home’s listing, this entire process can easily take several hours to complete. Do you really want to do all that yourself when a professional could take the stress of your hands and give the photos and videos a more polished look?

A Real Estate Photo Service Will Yield High-Quality Results

Let’s go back to the idea of taking your own photographs with your phone. Sure, it’s easy and cheap and your phone can take pretty good pictures. However, if you put pictures taken with a phone besides pictures taken with a professional camera, there’s an obvious difference.

The lens of a professional camera is full of sensors and is able to pick up and adjust information such as sharpness, distortion, and lighting. For example, you’ve surely seen how your phone’s camera can fail you in low light.

If you try taking a picture at dusk or during the night with a phone camera, your photo will be grainy, blurry, and overall quite low-quality.

A professional camera, on the other hand, is able to process photos better and prevent blurry or grainy photos. You could try using certain apps on your phone to improve aspects of the photo, but you’ll often find that these apps can make the photo quality worse, especially in terms of sharpness and clarity.

Any good real estate photo service will ensure that these issues never arise when it comes to real estate photography. No matter the space or the lighting, your home’s photos will always be the best they can be. After all, real estate photos are a potential homebuyer’s first impression of your home.

Real Estate Photography Gives Buyers a Great First Impression

A picture can really be worth a thousand words, especially if it’s a good picture. Imagine that you are searching the internet for a house to buy. If you come across a listing that has a few dark, grainy photos, you most likely won’t be interested in seeing more.

Why not? Because at first glance, the poor photos available give the impression that the house is dark, cramped, and uncomfortable to live in. However, if you come across a listing that has plenty of high-quality photos, you’ll have a different opinion.

Photos that make a home appear bright, spacious, and homey can contribute to a better first impression. Humans are very visually-driven creatures and we can distinguish images that we like from images we dislike immediately.

Houston and Dallas real estate photography can help capture the best aspects of your home and make it look its best. Keep this in mind before you try using your phone to take real estate photos.

Go Beyond the Competition

This reason is a continuation of the previous because of this fact: professional photos will always triumph over listings that have amateur photos. Many people will opt to take their own photos rather than hire a professional, and this is a benefit for you if you choose to hire professional services.

When buyers are scrolling through home listings, they will see listings with professional photos and those with non-professional photos. More often than not, the professional options will be more attractive and will yield more traffic. Because your listing will be getting more traffic, your home will have a better chance of selling.

Photographers Can Help Promote Your Home on Social Media

There’s no underestimating the importance of social media when it comes to marketing. While you might be able to do a bit of marketing on your social media, photographers often have a more established presence focused on real estate.

When your home’s photos are shared on a real estate photographer’s social media, your listing will gain traffic without trouble. Since your social media is likely not centered around real estate for sale, you might not see the same results if you do the same thing.

However, if you do share your listing on your social media, you can be confident knowing that the pictures are the highest-quality they can be.

Increase Your Home Value

Whether you believe it or not, professional real estate photography can increase your home’s value. How could this be if you’re not upgrading or adding anything to your home? The trick is all in how your home looks because of quality photography.

More often than not, people will perceive homes to be of a higher value when the photos are professional. This perception can range to several thousand dollars more than what your home might actually be worth. This is ideal if you want to get top dollar for your property.

Your Home Will Sell Faster

If your home looks great and is a step ahead of other listings, is it a surprise that it could sell faster? As mentioned before, buyers will flock to attractive photo listings. The more buyers that see your listing, the higher chance there is that someone might buy.

This can be accelerated by sharing your listing on social media and other places online. Remember: the more eyes that see your home, the faster it will sell.

You’ll See More Offers

As mentioned before, if more buyers see your home, you’ll have a higher chance of getting offers. If your home’s pictures aren’t flattering and aren’t being marketed, why would anyone bother to make an offer?

Professionals know all about how to make homes look picture-perfect. Buyers won’t hesitate to make an offer if they find your home irresistible immediately.

No Need for Price Reductions

With poor-quality photos, you’ll find that your listing won’t be getting much traffic or many offers. This will lead to price reductions if you want your home to sell faster.

However, price reductions aren’t necessary if you have the right photos in the first place. Houston and Austin real estate photography services can make sure your home looks its best before it’s listed. This way, no time will be wasted when it comes to selling your home.

More Emotional Photos to Entice Buyers

As with the idea of a first impression, many people are also spurred to make decisions based on their emotions. Professional photos can make your home look cozy and hospitable. Often, non-professional photos are dark, cold, and cramped.

When buyers feel an emotional connection to your home, they’re more likely to make an offer. When in doubt, hire a professional and make sure your home looks as comfortable and emotionally appealing as possible.

Why Hire a Professional Real Estate Photographer

You now know the 10 reasons you should hire Houston real estate photography services. Not only will you save time, but your house will be more appealing to buyers and may even sell faster.

Contact us here to learn more.

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